"The Opium War (1997)

Director : Xie Jin

Starring : Baau Gwok On, Lam Lin Gwan, Sihung Lung, Siu Yan, So Man, Go Yuen, Baau Ang Paai Hak, Sai Mung Wai Lim Si, Ngaai Lut Gaak Lee Fei Shut, Fei Lei Po Git Hak Shun, Ga Lee Hak Gwong Gan, Law Biu Dak Bei Lee Maan, Got Heung Ting

An early Spring day in 1839, a row of gallows were surprisingly put up in front of the British Chamber of Commerce by the Pearl River in Guangzhou, Convicted opium peddlers were hanged to death one by one on the gallows by order of the Emperor's Special Envoy Lin Zexu. The square was packed with throngs of people. They and those British business people in the Chamber of Commerce realized that Lin's thorough anti-opium campaign, with support from the Emperor Dauguang, was starting. Lin was a man of both bravery and talent. Just after several bouts in anti-drug action, Lin confiscated all the opium imported by the British traders... "

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